Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gluten Free Tortillas

Here is my latest find! Gluten free tortillas that actually act like a tortilla. They are soft and pliable and fold. I have never found a gluten free tortilla that heats up like a gluten-filled tortilla and still folds into a regular 'ol burrito. Give them a try! They come in dark and ivory teff...

They do contain soy, so be aware.


Cannelle Et Vanille said...

haven't seen them but i will have to look. did you find them at WF?

Jill said...

I actually got them at the gluten free bakery in Old Colorado City, Outside the Breadbox. I am lucky to have that store because they not only have fantastic fresh bread made daily, but now they carry a bit of other hard to find gluten free things. I buy all of Connor's school candy and even some cereal that I can't find anywhere else. They have a website but not very user friendly. I think calling is the best way to order from them since they are a small, family owned bakery.

Carmolla said...

What about corn tortillas? Aren't those gluten free?

Jill said...

That is a great question, and yes, corn tortillas are generally gluten free. We actually use corn tortillas all the time for taco night. The thing about a restricted diet is that sometimes you want something different. When we go out to dinner we almost always go to a Mexican food restaurant and order corn shell tacos. Also, corn is a common allergen and too much of it will cause a "temporary allergy". It is nice to mix things up a bit. Thank you so much for your comment.

Carmolla said...

Thanks, Jill. Good to know! I am on a gluten free diet, and mostly eat rice or corn tortillas two to three meals a day. It can get pretty boring sometimes. I long for a gluten free bakery near my house so I can spice up my carbs. I'll keep an eye out for these. ...thanks, again!